Satisfying House Buyers’ Wish Lists

I always laugh when I watch property search programmes on the television. This is not because they are amusing in themselves, it’s just simply that the majority of house buyers appear to be looking for the same features in properties and always struggle to find them. You would think that property owners might consider addressing this situation by updating their homes accordingly but most people don’t and lose a lot of money in the process.

A Wise Investment

Ask anybody what they are looking for in their next home and you can pretty much bet on certain features topping their wish lists. If you are thinking of updating your home, even if you have no intention of moving in the immediate future, it would pay to take notice of buyers’ wishes and use these as the blueprint for your project. Making the right enhancements will add value to your property and it should be born in mind that if everyone is looking for certain features then this might be because they will indeed improve your lifestyle!

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Satisfying House Buyers' Wish Lists

The Most Important Room

The first room mentioned in any property search is usually the kitchen. Kitchen’s sell houses so if you spend money anywhere on improving your home then this is the best place to start. The most sought after attribute is space so if your kitchen is small then consider how you could extend it, relocate it or open it up. Buyers also love granite worktops and great appliances so before you reject these on the basis of cost ask yourself why people want them and consider how much you are increasingly the value of your home. Kitchen islands are popular so if space permits, include one of these and a place for a dining table is also a big bonus.

The Smallest Room

Bathrooms are also a major priority for buyers and here it is not just the looks that count. The location of the room is also important, size does matter and quantity counts too. Downstairs facilities are a turn-off especially if they are next to the kitchen, coloured suites are out and everyone wants a second or en suite bathroom. You may be staring down the barrel of a lot of work but getting that bathroom in the right place and adding another could pay dividends.

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Under Your Feet

Flooring is another major concern. The one thing that few people seem to want is carpet, which doesn’t explain why so many properties have it! If it is time to replace your flooring then go for wood or tiles. Both materials will stand the test of time, enhance the look of your home and make life more practical. Great flooring won’t cost much more than good quality carpeting but it is easier to keep clean and it will stay looking fresh for much longer.

The Great Outdoors

Outdoor space is much sought after especially in urban areas where it is at a premium. There may be little you can do you increase the size of your garden, yard or terrace but you can transform it into an attractive and appealing area. Clever landscaping, feature pots, splashes of colour, the right accessories and nice furniture can really make a difference and even the smallest of yards can become a tranquil place to relax. Sell the aspirational lifestyle because it works!

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The Best of the Rest

So what else should you do to enhance the appeal of your home? Well for a start don’t add a swimming pool or hub tub unless your property is at the upper end of the market as these luxuries are actually turn-offs with buyers fearing the costs of maintaining them and safety issues. Concentrate instead on energy saving features and storage which will always attract attention and all the indications are that walk in wardrobes are the next big thing so if you can add ones of those you are on to a winner!

Sally Stacey is a keen writer with an interest in property rennovation. Hopefully her efforts in her own home have added to rather than reduced the value!
