A simple ‘Mills and Boons’ kind of love story is better kept for our fantasy world and we all love reading them and secretly believe in that kind of stories. But are Mills and Boons kind of love stories real? Maybe, after all, the inspiration of these stories lie in our real life experiences. Every year before the D-Day, I sit down and think how many love stories I know and how they have helped me in understanding the relationship between two people. Well, the truth is, love has no end and that’s why I have seen an octogenarian searching somespecial gifts for him – forher beloved husband. Isn’t that interesting to learn that in a time we all end to conclude any relationship in a whiff, our earlier generation still holds the best Mantra of the Romance and that is to spread more and more love and nothing else.
Great experiences come straight from the heart
Surprising your partners and reaching them on their special days in any possible way shows the love in your heart you have for them. Now, there’s nothing like a perfectly romantic gift, you just have to find something that suits your love story currently. For example, once my boyfriend gifted me a pass to a spa healing center as I was too stressed with my set of responsibilities and backbiting in office. See, your sweetheart closely, and if he is also depressed, get him to de-stressing centers and that would mean a lovely birthday or valentine’s day gift for him.
Unleash a new epoch of love together
There are other swanky gifts like personalized lamp shades, designer cupcakes, cool eye shades, fancy clothes, valuable and branded watches which you can opt for. There should be a personal touch even to anything that you buy for him. And how would you give that touch? You can either write a lovely love letter or send a voice note elaborating your love journey with him and unleash a new epoch of love together.
You would be startled to see the whole look of the world around you in the month of February. No shop, both online and offline are spared from decorating themselves with various expensive and inexpensive things most of which come in red color and Heart Shape. Some critics would say that buying those gifts are nothing but show off but I believe there has to be huge love in your heart to buy those special gifts for him or her. Only words to express your love are never enough and those unsaid words of love find a relief in these astonishing gifts. Even the idea generators behind these big Valentine market also believe in this one and only mantra of Valentine’s Day which is love.