Top Tips To Clean Green!

Let’s start by rolling back the years, not so long ago in history there was no cillit bang to remove unwanted stains, no chemicals and no sprays. How did they possibly cope? Many of us couldn’t imagine undergoing our cleaning routines and rituals without our favourite cleaning products, to tackle those spillages and hard-to-clean areas. But how safe are the household cleaning products that we’re exposing our family, friends, children and pets too?

Not so safe, in fact there are over 16,000 petrochemicals available for home usage, but only a shocking 30 percent of these chemicals have been tested for exposure to human health and the environment. This is quite a worrying statistic, especially if you’re using and inhaling these chemicals on a daily basis. Just think how many cleaning products you use, from bleach to floor cleaner and regular anti-bac sprays.

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As a mother, I’m particularly concerned as to what my young children are breathing in, the dog too! I’ve began to make small changes around my family home in Peterborough to try and live a cleaner, healthier life. I’ve rounded up some top tips along the way to help you clean green!

Top Tips To Clean Green!

Clear the Air

Did you know that the air you breathe in is often full of pollutants? A house plant is a great item to not only make your home look lovely but also detox the air naturally! House plants are able to eliminate significant amounts of formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Plants that have this natural ability include English ivy, areca palms, bamboo palms and Boston ferns.

Empty Your Cupboards

If you want to go totally natural with your cleaning products, then get raiding the kitchen cupboards! Chances are you’ll probably already be in possession of baking soda and vinegar, both of these products make for great cleaning tools. Vinegar is the perfect product to clean your cutlery in, leaving an unbeatable shine! Is your carpet looking a little dull and dirty? Just sprinkle some baking powder over it, let it sink in and simply vacuum up!

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Invest In Eco Brands

Although usually a little more expensive, if you’re cleaning a commercial environment then you may want to invest in some eco-friendly cleaning brands. These brands use natural sources as opposed to harsh and potentially harmful chemicals. If you’re looking for office and commercial cleaning for your company or organisation then you might want to search for local services with an environmental awareness. On average janitors use 23 gallons of chemicals per year – a figure we need to cut down drastically! Make sure your cleaning company is eco-aware.

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Make Your Own

If you have the extra time at home, then why not make your own all-purpose cleaner, it will save money and you’ll be at no risk of harmful chemicals. All you’ll need is a squirt of liquid soap, two cups of hot water and half a teaspoon of washing powder. Mix together into a spray bottle, shake until the powder is dissolved et voila! You’re good to go.

Ditch The Air Freshener

Do any of us really enjoy the smell of artificial flowers, or an overpowering, headache triggering ‘tropical breeze’? I personally can’t stand these scents, so I prefer to use a natural alternative. Try boiling cinnamon, or remember to pick up a fresh bunch of flowers from your local market! After all, the real thing smells much better than the can.

Good luck with your green cleaning!
