Stop Rising Damp With Viable Damp Proof Course

Rising damp is a great problem that damages the building structures to great extent. Bricks, plaster, walls and the entire building get damaged because of moisture that keeps on rising if not checked. Services of recognized companies like damp proofing Battersea may be obtained.

Following viable damp proofing methods are suggested:

Water repellent chemical formulations – It is done by drilling holes of approx ten to twelve millimeters in the stone, brick or mortar. Instructions on the pack containing the DPC liquid or cream should be read thoroughly. Low pressure hand operated skeleton gun or manual pump may be used to inject the gel, cream or paste formulations. Likewise liquid formulations may be injected with high pressure pumps. A water repellent layer is formed within few months with the help of the solution that travels through the damp walls. It acts like a strong barrier for the water to rise above. The wall above the DPC level gets dried up. Mortar may be filled into the holes. An extra layer of waterproofing is provided with this method that helps to regain the original finish of the walls. The mortar should be allowed to dry up completely before going ahead with any treatments to manage salt deposits or re-plasters. This is the easiest, quickest and cleanest method and DPC is hardly visible with its application.

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Stop Rising Damp With Viable Damp Proof Course

Pore blocking salt mixture – This particular damp proofing course suits thick and stable stone walls as deep holes of eighteen to twenty millimeter diameter have to be drilled. Slurry is prepared by mixing cement based mortar into water. Heavy duty plastic injection gun is used for injecting the mixture into these holes. Sufficient heat is provided with mortar that forms solid plugs in the wall. Water repellent salts are released with the help of this mortar. They travel through the wall for the next few months and block the pores and create hurdles for the damp to rise. This particular method may be viable for the professional builder as it involves use of expensive mortar guns and larger drilling equipment. This technique has become too popular amongst popular concerns including damp proofing Battersea.

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 Osmotic Water Repellence– Titanium wire linked to a transformer and a mains supplied control unit is used under this system. A ring main is formed with the wire that runs around the walls. Holes are created in the wall and the wire anodes are formed by bending the wire into the loops that are inserted into the holes. The wire is earthed after hiding it in raked out mortar joints or chases. Conductivity of the system is enhanced by securing the wire in the holes and chases with the special mortar. An electric field is created to repel water by switching on the system. This technique is expensive as it involves large drilling equipment. It is suitable for the tradesmen and prominent organizations like damp proofing Battersea.

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Damp Proofing Course, i.e. DPC plays a great role in fighting the damp that is horrible, dangerous and disastrous for the buildings and health.
