What Is The Importance and Role Of EIA In Maintaining Natural Balance?

Many plans, projects and other such works can cause ecological imbalance and also some dangerous threat to the living things. Many impacts may also result in damaging the purity of water, air and land that is otherwise referred to as pollution. In order to keep harmful activities of the humans in check, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was introduced.

What Exactly is EIA?

Environmental Impact Assessment is a process of estimating the possible changes that may occur after carrying out certain developmental assignments or projects. The process is also used for calculating and predicting the possible impact on the nature, social and economic criteria if the works are proceeded as planned, without making any necessary changes.

Working Features of EIA

Environmental Impact Assessment mainly works on offering the benefits such as,

  • Easy and prolonged use of the available natural resources
  • Reducing the risk on the environment from variety of activities
  • Increased attention for protecting human health
  • Reduction in the cost of the project and also delaying their proceedings until the right time.
  • Increasing the responsibility of the concerned government institutions
  • Opening some opportunities for the public to actively participate and produce their opinion regarding any projects or developmental works.
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The main focus of the EIA is on carrying out the successful trade between the social and ecological balance and the developmental projects undertaken by either government or the private sector. This management tool mainly work with the aim of providing useful information so as to redesign and proceed with the works without causing any major blow on the nature and its resources.

What Is The Importance and Role Of EIA In Maintaining Natural Balance?

How does EIA Work?

Keskkonnamõjude Hindamine or otherwise called Environmental Impact Assessment proceed with the following aspects to examine both the advantageous and disadvantageous features of any work that involves natural resources.

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Screening is a type of analysis that decides whether the involvement of EIA is necessary or not. The works that comes under the jurisdiction of Regulation of Coastal Zone mainly require the involvement of EIA.


This is one of the aspects that identify both the issues and concerns that should be kept in mind while addressing any particular work. It is conducted by following the steps such as,

Analysis of the Baseline: – This analysis is the process where the expected and unexpected results will be estimated with or without the proceeding of the projects on the environment and natural resources.

Prediction of the Impact: – This analysis provide preview for organizations about the results of their developmental works, if it is continued as planned.

Measures for Impact Mitigation: – Here, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) gets involved in analysing the complete project, point by point so as to ensure that no hazardous impact will be caused on the environment if the project is carried out as planned.

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If any such threats are detected, then EMP designs some rehabilitation plans or some remedial measures that can work in favour of both the environment and the projects without causing any serious damage.


As the name says, the process of documenting overall investigations regarding the plans and proceeding methods of any developmental works, assignments or projects will be documented in a detailed manner and will be produced for further queries.

Author’s Bios:

This blog post on is written by Bruce Mitchell, and he works with one of the top keskkonnamõjude hindamineor Environmental Impact Assessment companies in Estonia. For more info about the services they offer, visit their website today.
