How To Brand Yourself For Better Job Search

Are you searching for a right job from long time and still unsuccessful? Then it’s time to change yourself. Gone are the days when we use to just apply for the jobs and would wait for the reply.

To get your dream job in this competitive world, you should be able to brand yourself. Yes, like we do branding for any product or services you have to do branding of yourself.

By branding you can be a successful candidate and can outstand from the other candidates.

Here are some of the points by which you can brand or market yourself in this competitive world.

LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is one more way to create your brand for job search. Create a profile, add details about your education, skills, work experience and any other achievements.

By creating a profile on LinkedIn you can get connected with others, receive job offers and can join any your work related community.

Also on LinkedIn you can upload any your earlier work, project, PDF file or any presentations you have done. This will be a plus point and you can show what type of work you can do.

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So before contacting you, recruiters will see your work and take a decision. Some big corporate companies try to find the suitable candidate for their vacancy on this LinkedIn website.

So join LinkedIn today itself and update your profile frequently.

How To Brand Yourself For Better Job Search

Brand your resume

Think how you will make your resume as a brand. Your resume should be properly formatted with your skills, qualifications and the experiences. And most important, it must pass 6 seconds resume test.

In your resume you should show how your career has been progressed with the years of experiences with different companies.

You should clearly specify what have you learned/ gained in all those years of work experience. Your resume should be clear and should speak.

If you want help in creating a good resume you can get it done from some job sites/ job boards who provide resume writing services.

Brand yourself through unique points

Recruiters try to find the best suitable candidate for their company. If you have any extra qualification or any unique skills or talents try to mention it in resume.

Or else inform the interviewer at the time of interview. Like if you have travelled abroad for a company exhibitions or business development or given visit to any foreign factory try to mention it.

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You may have a bright future in the organization and you may be asset to the organization. Also by these unique points you are more qualified than the other candidates.

Informing about the extra skills you are branding yourself and creating a confidence in mind of the interviewer about you.

Brand yourself during interview

At the day of interview be punctual. Follow the proper etiquettes of the interview. Showcase your professional qualities, be well dressed and show positive body language during interview.

During interview present yourself impressively. Behave as a professional during interview and show your confidence and the enthusiasm towards the job.

Showcase how you will contribute towards the goals of the organization. Let them know who are you, what is your passion and what are your future goals.

Also before interview research on the company, try to find out who are there clients, what services they offer and what are their plans.

So if any question asked regarding the company you may be able to respond. Also in advance be ready with the questions you will ask to the interviewer about the company, work life in office etc.

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This may show your interest towards the company and the job. If you are from creative field don’t forget to carry your portfolio during interview.


Everyone wants a fair pay from their new job. Also even if you are qualified for the job the employer doesn’t want to overpay for the post.

So be reasonable with your salary requirements. If you think you should get the pay as per your expectations then make a plan before interview about how you will explain the interviewer.

Or else be ready to negotiate the salary and the other benefits. Try to find out what is the market value for your job profile. There are some online websites where you can get the knowledge of the salary range.

A personal branding will bring a bright future in your career.

This article is contributed by Priyanka Nagrale who provides similar career tips on Sure Job. She also posts the latest jobs from government and public sectors on this blog.
