Factor Checklist Before Leasing A House In Bangalore

Being the silicon valley of India, Bangalore is a city that has been attracting many individuals from the IT sector to itself. While mass migration to the city is underway, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the migrants to find a house for lease in Bangalore. There are many needs and factors that have to be considered before finalizing on a house. Here are some of the things that you might want to take into account while looking for a house in Bangalore.

Where is the House?

This is by far the most important factor to consider while choosing a home in the Garden City. The city is vast and travel is not simple anymore. If you live 20 kilometers away from your workplace and a little bit towards the city, you might have to travel a little over two hours a day. If you think you can manage that, then you are welcome to ignore this factor.

When you do find a home, make sure that you research enough on the location and the safety that it provides to the inhabitants. It would be best if you stay in a place which is not in the middle of the grind but is not isolated either.

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How much to Pay for it?

Money is difficult to part with. When you are looking at leasing houses in Bangalore, you might come across places in the best of localities that will lure you towards themselves. But make sure that you do not over pay for a house for lease in Bangalore simply to live in a locality that you have fallen in love with. Yes, it is a status symbol to live in the posh localities, but wait until you can afford it.

Considering there is never a scarcity of people looking for houses, owners also tend to over-price the rents and lease amounts. Ensure that you are verifying and checking with the general prices around the area. Also, be sure to know about any possibility of increase in rent and expiry of lease before signing the agreement.

Factor Checklist Before Leasing A House In Bangalore

Is it going to be Convenient to Live There?

You might love to live in an isolated location as it will keep you away from all the noise the city makes all the time, but make sure that there are basic amenities around the house for a convenient and better way of life. The city has developed rapidly, but sadly there are stretches of land that has residential complexes but no amenities like hospitals, supermarkets and many more of the niche. You want to avoid these localities.

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When you are considering a home, do explore the area around it and check of everything you need is available at a convenient distance. Never think you can live without a supermarket or laundry or hospital in the area. You cannot.

What is the Landlord Like?

It is not difficult to be polite and cordial while making the deal. Once done, he might turn out to be the exact opposite of what he seemed like in the past. Run a background check on the landlord before signing the document.

All you will have to do is to ask the neighbors or the past tenants who have used the house before and see what feedback they have about him. If all looks good, then go ahead and sign the agreement. You do not want to be homeless at an odd day simply because you had an argument with your landlord.

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Is the House Perfect or what I am looking for?

You can be easily deceived by the looks of the house. It might have shining bathroom fittings but might not have water supply at all hours. The place may be well lit and airy, but electricity problems are never welcome. You might love the greenery around the house, but you never know if it encourages rats and bee-hives. We know that you can do without all that drama in your already busy lives.

To avoid these problems, ask. Ask as many questions you need to and check every nook and corner of the house to be sure of what you are getting into. Do not ignore these things as they might turn out to be a hassle in the future.

This is a checklist that you need to carry around in your head if you are looking for a house for lease in Bangalore. If all the items are checked off in a particular house, then make that house your home.
