How To Educate Children Of Hard To Eat?

Children are difficult to eat, also called picky are those who only accept a limited variety of foods and are reluctant to try new foods. They manipulate their parents to get away with it or prefer to be given money to buy what they want; and tastes lean toward cookies, soft drinks, sweets or fried foods.

This reality overwhelms many parents who say their children’s lunchbox review before going to school and if he does not like the food, the transport stop “forgotten” and buy on credit in the soda. At home, separate food and only eat your liking, setting aside a significant amount of nutrients.

Precisely this loss of nutrients is what worries because triggers other problems such as lack of attention in class, inactive lifestyle, lack of energy to play and practice sport, conditions like anemia, among others.

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If this is the case with your children, discuss the following issues suggested by the Nutrition, to know what might be the best way to go.

Tips for Dealing with Picky Eaters:

  • The example makes the difference, then it is a good example that you also consume. Set meal times and stick to them.
  • Consider the idea of planning a weekly menu including the opinion of your son.
  • Although considered to eat little, if weight and growth are adequate, do not worry; do not meal a reason to fight.
  • Serve food in a proper place and spoons, dishes and portion sizes appropriate for their age and size.
  • When introducing a new food or little liked, do it together with favorite foods.
  • Go to the supermarket with your children and let them choose the fruits and foods of their choice.
  • Never offer food as a reward for good behavior. Nor are classified as good or bad foods.
  • Snacks should be small for small children. Older children whether they can eat larger portions.
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How To Educate Children Of Hard To Eat?

Benefits of Healthy Snacks

Scientific studies emphasize that snacks and school meals should be healthy to reduce the risk of weight gain and other chronic diseases such as diabetes, and hypertension and achieve better academic performance.

The picnic is a time of critical food and food here are consumed vital for proper growth and development. It also helps to not go hungry until the next meal time.

Characteristics of a Healthy Lunchbox

  • Fruits: include at least one serving of fruit; you can be whole, chopped or juiced.
  • Unrefined flours: prefer whole grains, but if your child does not like the option of white flour is allowed. Avoid high sugar or refined flour, such as desserts, pastries, biscuits with filling, etc.
  • Low-fat protein: this can include eggs, cheese, chicken, fish and meat. Avoid fried foods.
  • Skim milk and / or reduced fat: take a portion of skim milk, yogurt or low-fat cheese.
  • Liquids: promote consumption of water and natural juices.
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Examples of Healthy Lunchboxes

  • Sandwich of cheese, lettuce and tomato + 1 fruit + water.
  • Cereal bar box + skim milk + 1 fruit.
  • Package oatmeal cookies + low fat yogurt + fruit + water.
  • Sandwich of cheese + fruit + water.
  • Reduced fat cream cheese + box of skim milk + 1 fruit.
